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Tuesday’s FTB: Playoff alternatives

Updates from the NHL on their plans for the rest of the season and any potential playoffs have stayed fairly consistent ever since they finally admitted that the season would need to be put on hold for the truly foreseeable future: we might be down but we’re not out.

A reminder that the NHL is willing to delay the start of next season until November in order to finish off this season if possible with summer hockey. NHL believes they can play a full season next year starting in November, cancel ASG/bye week, play playoffs into late June '21

— Pierre LeBrun (@PierreVLeBrun) April 13, 2020

Suggestions from the NHL have included the possibility of a truncated playoff schedule and holding games at neutral sites without fans, but as with many other sports (and the world in general), the NHL is currently stuck in a “wait and see” holding pattern, with no way of knowing when it might be feasible for teams to reconvene to practice together, much less play games together.