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Toronto Maple Leafs: Making Sense of the Mitch Marner Negotiations!

The Toronto market is a hotbed, filled with an intense media circus, and crazed fans who are desperate for success. Darren Ferris has all of Toronto Maple Leafs fans, especially Darren Dreger hanging like a marionette.

Dreger reported today that Toronto is insistent on Marner signing the seven or eight year deal at 11 million. What was also included in this offer was the 1.6 million in B bonuses Toronto would not pay Marner in his entry level contract. Marner’s camp rejected this offer and are persistent on 3 years.

Dreger at times, has sounded like an auctioneer with the Marner camp “They want 11, they want 12, they want 13, going once, going twice!