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Toronto Maple Leafs: Chicago Trade Working Out Terribly So Far

The Toronto Maple Leafs trade with St. Louis has worked out pretty good so far despite an injury to Ryan O’Rielly.

The Toronto Maple Leafs got Ryan O’Reilly at such a discount that the trade is basically no-risk, but in addition to O’Reilly being good so far (when he’s played) Noel Acciari has been excellent

The same cannot be said about the trade with the Blackhawks.

Jake McCabe has struggled to fit in, while Sam Lafferty has been brutally bad.

Toronto Maple Leafs Trade With the Blackhawks Not Good So Far

It should go without saying that we are evaluating this trade on a very short sample, and that it realistically can take teams and players a long time to adjust to their new surroundings.