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Toronto Maple Leafs and Mental Health Awareness

The end of January has annually meant a few things for the Toronto Maple Leafs; the time slipping away to the trade deadline but something more serious as well, the yearly fundraising campaign run by Bell called #BellLetsTalk as well as the Hockey Talks night that usually comes around the same time.

Both campaigns have some common goals: to promote the importance of talking about mental health and illness, raise money for mental health initiatives country-wide and most importantly remind people everywhere they are not alone.

Bell Lets Talk day encourages the discussion of mental health issues like depression, anxiety and other mental illness and every use of the hashtag donates five-cents to mental health programs, while Hockey Talks is a month-long campaign partnered with all seven teams across Canada to bring the conversation of mental wellness and health awareness and education to the hockey world with in arena messaging, social media story telling through #HockeyTalks and game nights.