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Maple Leafs prospect update: Marner scores 7

Mitch Marner is the star of the week (again). 7 goals, 2 hat tricks, 3 assists in 3 games is a fantastic weekend, and he's ours Leafs fans! ALL OURS! timashov in Quebec also had a good weekend, putting up 5 points in one game. Not to be out done, Tony Cameranesi had 4 points in a game on Saturday night in the NCAA, and over in Europe Andreas Johnson had a hat trick himself. Lots of big point nights for our boy this week.

Ontario Hockey League

Mitch Marner/JJ Piccinich (F) - London Knights
December 4: Windsor 1 @ London 6
Marner: 3G, 0A / Piccinich: 0G, 3A, +2
December 5: Ottawa 2 @ London 7
Marner: 3G, 1A, +5 / Piccinich: No Points
Check out Marner's hat trick here.