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Looking back at our pre-season predictions

Every year ahead of the season, we put on our thinking caps, review the stats, the moves, the rosters, and fling some darts to make our predictions on the upcoming season. Some in the past have gone well, others went off the board, and some voters were just giant homers (hi).

Most of the predictions are Leafs focused, so we could have made this review months ago for pointing and laughing purposes, but there were picks that relate to last night’s game so we waited. Now, let’s take a look at how overconfident we were.

Leafs Standings Predictions

seldo 2 3 5
katya 2 3 6
Arvind 3 4 7
Kevin 2 2 4
Fulemin 2 2 4
Brigstew 1 1 2
Hardev 2 2 5
Species 1 2 4
nafio 2 4 6
Annie 2 3 5
Actual Finish 3 5 7

Only Arvind was close on all three spaces, nailing two of them dead on and being just off on the Conference finish.