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Texas Rangers, Tim Lincecum deal won’t be announced today

The Texas Rangers and Tim Lincecum have an agreement on a contract and Lincecum has taken a physical, but no announcement is coming today, according to Jon Daniels. Per the beat guys, Daniels says they are close, with “[o]ne final little hurdle” (per Levi Weaver) to clear.

The hurdle could be having the team medical staff review the results of the physical. Alternatively, since Lincecum is getting a major league deal, the issue could be how the team is going to clear a 40 man roster spot. Obviously, they could designate a player for assignment — Juan Centeno, Brett Nicholas, and Connor Sadzeck would seem to be the guys on the bubble, in that instance — but if the team thinks it is close to making a deal to trade a player, it would make sense to hold off on making the deal official until that is consummated.