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As technology pervades in sports, angst toward officiating grows | Sam Donnellon

If not for some awful officiating, the Las Vegas Knights might be playing the Boston Bruins for the right to hoist the Stanley Cup.

A particularly bad night for much-maligned umpire Angel Hernandez in late May triggered yet another discussion about employing the technology used by professional tennis to determine balls and strikes, a thought resisted by Major League Baseball officials despite the expanded use of replay to determine safe calls on the basepaths.

Nor did NFL commissioner Roger Goodell agree with elected officials in Louisiana, including Gov. John Bel Edwards, who suggested in a letter that the commissioner reverse the Los Angeles Rams’ NFC Championship victory over the New Orleans Saints based on a blatant miss of a pass-interference call late in the game that would have positioned the Saints to win the game in regulation — and reach the Super Bowl.