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Scott D. Pierce: In memoriam — a look back at 112 TV shows that got the ax in 2018

As 2018 draws to a close, let’s make like the Emmys and the Oscars and do our own “In Memoriam” segment, running down the list of TV deaths that happened this year.

Not actual people. Not characters. A list of shows that died. It’s a long list — 112 shows.

Some of them clearly deserved to die. “Inhumans” couldn't go away fast enough, and the fact that an awful show like “Designated Survivor” hung on for two seasons does not speak well of the television industry.

( Ben Mark Holzberg | ABC ) Kiefer Sutherland starred as president of the United States in
( Ben Mark Holzberg | ABC ) Kiefer Sutherland starred as president of the United States in "Designated Survivor.