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Pelini just close enough to Nebraska to get a good heckling

VERMILLION, S.D. (AP) — With a black-and-white photocopied picture of Bo Pelini's snarling mug slapped on the side, Dave Zimbeck's motor home served as the unofficial, ahem, welcome wagon for the deposed Nebraska football coach at the DakotaDome.

Pelini brought his new team, the Youngstown State Penguins, to this town seven miles north of the Nebraska state line to play the South Dakota Coyotes on Saturday. Zimbeck's tailgate party was up and running hours before kickoff, and the return of Pelini was the theme.

Under that uncomplimentary picture of Pelini was a list of "Bo Knows" categories that Zimbeck came up with on Friday night: "Anger management, how to slam a revolving door, the 'N' doesn't stand for knowledge (or nice).