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B5QB Brewery Profile: Wolverine State Brewing Company

It’s time for our Badgers to hit the road again and with that a throng of cardinal and white clad fans will surely follow. Presumably once you arrive in Michigan you’ll be thirsty and I am here to help you slake that thirst. Located a mere 1.5 miles from the most underground and quiet stadium in the B1G, Wolverine State Brewing Company has enough beer to make sure you won’t remember yelling at some dude wearing khakis, thinking he was actually Jim Harbaugh.

Wolverine State brews lagers and lagers only, which is pretty cool. Lagers are more difficult to brew than ales (these are the two overarching styles of beer and have to do with what type of yeast the brewer is using and what temperature the beer is fermenting at, for those wondering) as the brewer can’t hide impurities in the beer with a healthy dose of whatever fruit brewers are using in their milkshake IPAs these days.