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Spanish football's treatment of Vinicius is a problem that's only encouraging racist abuse

Related Topics: Karim Benzema, Antonio Raillo

Real Madrid's brilliant winger Vinicius Junior is a young, talented, exciting, successful, Black Brazilian player who, inarguably in my view, is being treated atrociously by Spanish football and by some sections of the country. Partly because of the colour of his skin. What's happening is an outright disgrace, something that fair, decent, honest people should be repulsed by and catalysed into protesting about.

Last season, still aged 21, he was one half of the best, most important and exhilarating partnership in world football. He and Karim Benzema totalled 100 goals and assists between them as Real Madrid became Spanish and European champions concurrently for only the second time in 64 years: part-author of an absolutely stellar achievement.