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MARTIN SAMUEL: Jack, you are a fool and a COVIDIOT. It is not enough to clap or tweet during this crisis. Mean it or forget it

Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives. Wise words. And having tweeted them to those with their noses pressed to the glass in the hope of seeing another human being, off went Jack Grealish to a private party.

Well, not a party as such, more a gathering. A soiree if you will. One that was lively enough to still be going at 4am, according to the neighbours, culminating in Grealish playing bumper cars with his Range Rover and several parked vehicles as he attempted to exit a Solihull street four hours later.

On Monday night, he was back on social media recording another message, to apologise for his behaviour and to implore people to do the opposite of his actions at the weekend.