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Pima County Democrats under fire for ‘F— the Fourth’ tweet

The Pima County Democratic Party in Arizona tweeted and then deleted a controversial advertisement for a Women’s March event on July 4th.

A screenshot of the local Democratic Party’s retweet had a caption that said “F**k the Fourth. See you at Reid Park,” referencing a park near downtown Tucson.

A picture of the advertisement itself reads: “Tucson Women’s March: Let’s Mourn with F**k the Fourth,” with the event taking place at 7 p.m., according to the screenshot.

It’s unclear how long the post was up, but the Pima County Democratic Party eventually deleted it.

In a short Twitter thread on Friday, the party apologized for its “poor taste” and said “We were eager to share the event, and in our haste we used the graphic provided by the event organizer.