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LOVERRO: Grunfeld resurrects knucklehead movement with Howard signing


It was a historic meeting — a meeting where the direction of the Washington Wizards appeared to have changed for the better.

The late Flip Saunders, upon being fired as the Wizards coach in 2012, had an exit interview with owner Ted Leonsis where Saunders tried to give the owner religion when it came to the dysfunctional roster that general manager Ernie Grunfeld had put together – the knucklehead crew drafted by Grunfeld that included Andray Blatche, Nick Young and JaVale McGee.

“I was a proponent from day one of changing that whole atmosphere,” Saunders, who had inherited Gilbert Arenas as well when he was hired as Wizards coach in 2009, told me in an 2012 interview on ESPN 980 radio.