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John Wall, Wizards deny report he cussed out Randy Wittman during practice

Early Wednesday morning, Peter Vecsey came out of left field to drop a couple of very interesting tweets that if correct, would somehow make an already disastrous season for the Wizards that much worse:

Prior 2 Wiz playoff elimination L v Pistons, injured John Wall cursed out Wittman & team. Randy promptly suspended...home practice, I'm told

— Peter Vecsey (@PeterVecsey1) April 13, 2016

Clearly, Wittman and Ernie Grunfeld are in severe job jeopardy. Meanwhile, Wall's acute lack of leadership is a searing hot internal topic

— Peter Vecsey (@PeterVecsey1) April 13, 2016

Wall and the Wizards wasted no time denying the report.