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Drag events go virtual as conservatives oppose ‘family friendly’ shows

Drag queen bingo and a “Queer Art Storytelling Tour” are among several Pride Month programs for corporate workers and their families that have gone online as conservatives target in-person events aimed at children.

Confetti, a U.S.-based website that books virtual corporate team-building events, said Friday that businesses have booked nearly 400 of the virtual events so far this month. That includes about 100 Drag Queen Bingos.

The company’s other virtual events for this year’s annual gay rights celebration include an “LGBTQIA+ History & Culture Trivia” game and an “LGBTQIA+ Cultural Impact Class.”

“On top of making marginalized individuals feel equal at work, companies plan these themed events for people outside of that marginalized community to better connect and empathize with their team,” said Lee Rubin, Confetti’s CEO and founder.