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‘Bros’ star Billy Eichner blames straight people for gay rom-com’s box office woes

Related Topics: Billy Eichner, Clarence Thomas

Comedian Billy Eichner blames straight people for the disappointing opening-weekend box office for “Bros,” the star’s much-hyped gay romantic comedy.

Mr. Eichner co-wrote and starred in “Bros,” the first gay rom-com to be backed by a major Hollywood studio and get a nationwide theatrical release.

But the film’s $4.8 million box office haul was half of what Universal Studios was expecting on opening weekend, according to Deadline. The poor showing means it’s looking unlikely that “Bros” will turn a profit and eclipse its $22 million budget, according to Variety.

Despite positive reviews and a strong Rotten Tomatoes score, the comedian lamented Sunday on Twitter that “straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros.