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Pac-12 Football odds and picks: The Gamble-Tron, Week Nine

Welcome to Week Nine of the Gamble-Tron, version 2.0. Why version 2.0? Well, the formerly trusty laptop decided to restart when this post was about half way done. Hooray technology! After this is written, Professor Frink's machine will be packed into the pickup on Wednesday, relocating to Tampa. That's right. We're subbing Florida's Redneck Riviera version of crazy for whatever version of insanity Tampa contains. As such, this will be a truncated version, at least by comparison. Stop clapping, that isn't very nice.

Why I'm a genius: Staring into my phone well after midnight to watch two garbage teams swing pillows at eachother hardly qualifies as genius, but the Buffs came through in fine fashion.