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A Pac-12 exec interfered with an officiating decision in USC vs. WSU game. This severely undermines the league’s credibility | Wilner

Yahoo reported Wednesday that a senior Pac-12 executive interfered with an officiating decision in the USC vs. WSU game. Larry Scott admitted the mistake Thursday, but this nonetheless undermines the league's credibility, says Jon Wilner.

Yahoo dropped a pigskin-shaped bomb Wednesday night with a report that strikes at the heart of the credibility of the Pac-12 officiating system.

You know, that same system that recently gave us the confounding non-targeting call on Porter Gustin vs. Gardner Minshew, the awkward explanation/defense of that decision by commissioner Larry Scott, and all those what-game-are-they-watching instances of recent years.

This is worse, considerably worse, because it’s not just about bad officiating.