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Wire Taps: Ryan Zimmerman’s journey to the World Series; Nationals’ old-school pennant; Bob Henley, Tim Bogar of interest in managerial searches...

Ever the pessimist, here’s my chief concern on this Thursday morning: with the pennant clinched and a triumphant narrative emerging, the Nats will be caught flat-footed in the World Series.

Then again, the triumphant narrative also emerged post-NLDS, so who really knows if any of this means anything. Hopefully, the energy is still in the clubhouse.

Here’s the scoop from South Capitol:

Posnanski: The Year the Nationals Won the Pennant (The Athletic)
"Wallop would have loved Tuesday night in Washington. You could see many of his contemporaries in the crowd, people who have endured all the agony that Washington baseball has offered, and they finally got their moment, and it didn’t even take a deal with that devious devil, Mr.