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Wire Taps: Ryan Zimmerman discusses future; Juan Soto filling Bryce Harper’s shoes; How coming back from 12 under helped the Nats...

Look, the Nats seem to have done fine for themselves without Bryce Harper, no doubt. But watching what he did last night sure does remind you the electric potential he always had the ability to uncork. Then again, the standings seem to tell another story.

Left for dead: How the Nationals are emulating two long shots with an improbable playoff run (The Athletic)
When the Houston Chronicle pronounced the 2005 Astros—the team that won that year's NL pennant—dead in June, it triggered something of a turnaround. When the Rockies' brass fired Clint Hurdle in the early days of the Rockies' 2009 season, they sprinted to the Wild Card.