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Wire Taps: Max Scherzer doesn’t like the pitch clock, like, at all; Aaron Barrett gets some ❤️ + more Nationals links...

Max Scherzer might not like the pitch clock, we’re not sure. It’s the ambiguity in his post-game comments last night that has us a little confused.

“I refuse to negotiate this,” the right-hander said, as quoted by MASN’s Mark Zuckerman.

Okay, okay, we get it, he really isn’t sure how he feels.

“I’m not going to put my name on this clock.”

He’ll get his thoughts together eventually and let us know how he feels, we’re sure.

Go read your links...


Scherzer "fundamentally against" MLB's new pitch clock - (MASN)
"Scherzer voiced strong opposition tonight to Major League Baseball’s latest change to improve pace of play, declaring himself 'fundamentally against' the pitch clock after experiencing it for the first time.