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Wire Taps: Bryce Harper returns to Nationals Park today; Nats offered Harper $250M in January; A-Rod makes fun of Washington, D.C.

It’s finally here — the real Opening Day of the season. The first three games were nice. After this game, after 40,000 Nationals fans (and Phillies fans) see Bryce Harper in Washington wearing a ‘P’ on his chest instead of the Curly W, he will belong to the Phillies. And this offseason will really be over.

So happy Opening Day (Max Scherzer is even on the hill) — and here’s the scoop from South Capitol:

How Bryce Harper went from ‘I’m going to be a National’ to ‘We’re going to Philly’ (WaPo)
In the middle of a rain delay last September, the Nationals handed Bryce Harper their offer in an envelope, demanding a response by November 1st.