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Washington Nationals’ Bobby Henley is the best interview at Winterfest two years running...

At one point in his interview at Winterfest, Washington Nationals’ third base coach Bobby Henley started doing the Juan Soto in-between pitches shuffle step, kicking the carpet in Nationals Park’s Taft Room like he was Soto in the batter’s box eyeing up the pitcher, staring at the mound and waiting for something to crush.

Henley is an excitable dude. He’s hard to contain. Questions are answered as thoroughly as possible, with twists and turns, humor and sincerity.

Like when he was asked about Soto, the now-20-year-old outfielder, Henley, who works with all the outfielders in addition to coaching third, was tasked with mentoring and molding after Soto was called up as a 19-year-old last May.