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Services set for Houston intern who made an impression in D.C.

Katelyn Davis, an 18-year-old college sophomore from Pasadena, Texas, died Saturday in Arnold, Maryland, from complications associated with epilepsy.

Davis is survived by her parents Kevin and Melissa Davis, sisters LeeAnn Long, Kelly Guidry and Julia Davis, all of the Houston-Pasadena area, and brother Bud Guidry of Jasper.

The San Jacinto College honor student, who graduated with her class from Deer Park High School in 2018 despite struggling for more than half her life with severe epileptic seizures, was pursuing a degree in sports broadcasting.

An enthusiastic fan of college and professional sports — the Houston Astros, Rockets and Dallas Cowboys in particular — she spent her summer reporting for The Washington Times, producing articles on, among others, Washington Redskins legend Charles Mann, Washington Nationals prospect Jackson Rutledge and Baltimore Orioles General Manager Mike Elias, a former Astros executive.