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Pentagon rolls out plan for future Navy fleet of 500 manned, unmanned vessels to take on adversaries

The Navy on Tuesday rolled out an updated long-term plan for transforming into a futuristic, high-tech hybrid fleet of more than 350 manned ships and submarines, some 150 large unmanned vessels, and about 3,000 aircraft to take on potential adversaries over the coming decades.

The rollout of Navigation Plan 2022 by officials at the Pentagon builds on existing blueprints for how to update and better equip the Navy‘s current fleet of about 400 — both large and small active and reserve — warships, cargo carriers and other assets.

The updated plan calls for a future fleet consisting of 12 Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines, 12 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, 66 fast-attack submarines, some 150 smaller surface combatants like destroyers and frigates, about 50 amphibious assault warships, and roughly 200 auxiliary and logistics vessels.