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New York Dem primary gets nastier as Rep. Nadler lobs ‘anti-vaxxer’ accusation at Rep. Maloney

Rep. Jerrold Nadler took a swipe Wednesday at his Democratic primary opponent, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, accusing his fellow veteran New York lawmaker of being an “anti-vaxxer” and exaggerating her record as a progressive.

“Carolyn and I both present ourselves as progressive, but I think as more people find out about our votes, she voted for the Iraq war. She voted against the Iran [Nuclear] deal. She voted to repeal Glass Steagall and she was an anti-vaxxer for a long time,” Mr. Nader told The Washington Times. “I think people will see the difference.”

Four other Democratic opponents have entered the primary for the newly drawn 12th Congressional District, including Suraj Patel, who previously ran against Mrs.