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Kieboom's played just 44 games: Jury's still out, Nationals say

When Dave Martinez broke into the big leagues with the Chicago Cubs in 1986 — then just a 21-year-old outfielder hoping to stick at that level — he didn’t make an immediate impression. Through his first 53 games and 108 at-bats, the future Washington Nationals manager hit just .139.

That could’ve been it for Martinez if the Cubs hadn’t shown faith. Instead, Martinez rebounded to put together a nine-team, 16-year MLB career in which he hit for a .276 average. He never made an All-Star team, but Martinez’s early struggles didn’t end his career.

So 35 years later, when Martinez looks at Carter Kieboom — another young player who hasn’t immediately performed at the major league level — the manager isn’t willing to make a snap judgment.