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Grand jury: Loudoun County Schools ‘failed’ in response to on-campus sex assaults by boy in skirt

A special grand jury report unsealed Monday slammed the response by Loudoun County Public Schools to two sexual assaults committed last year by the same assailant, concluding that the second attack was preventable and that administrators “failed at every juncture.”

The 92-page report by the nine-member panel found that school officials were “looking out for their own interests instead of the best interests of LCPS” in their response to the assaults, which led to a “stunning lack of openness, transparency, and accountability both to the public and the special grand jury.”

“There were several decision points for senior LCPS administrators, up to and including the superintendent, to be transparent and step in and alter the sequence of events leading up to the October 6, 2021, [Broad Run High School] sexual assault,” said the report.