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Fentanyl-traffic suspects skip California court date after release on cashless bail

Two men accused of trafficking multiple thousands of fentanyl pills failed to show up for their court date Thursday after having been released on cashless bail last month.

Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, were released on their own recognizance less than a day after being arrested when, according to authorities, 150,000 fentanyl pills were found in their car during a California traffic stop on June 24.

The judge for their case in Tulare County issued a warrant for their arrest and dropped the men’s $2 million bond.

“I couldn’t believe we had 150,000 fentanyl pills — one of the most dangerous epidemics facing our nation today, with people in custody that we may potentially be able to impact the future of this type of drug trafficking organization… and we let them go,” Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux had previously told Fox News.