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All things great and tall: Guinness notes cats and dogs — and people too

Ever mistake a dog for a horse? Brittany Davis of Bedford, Texas, says she understands such confusion about Zeus, her gray-and-brown American Great Dane.

At 2 years old — and 3 feet, 5.18 inches tall — Zeus has won the distinction of the world’s tallest living male dog, according to Guinness World Records.

“The comment that we hear most often is, ‘Wow, that’s a horse!,’ ‘Can I ride him?’ or ‘Does he have a saddle?’” Ms. Davis told the U.K.-based reference book company. “The answer to all those questions is ‘no.’”

Zeus may stand alone in the canine category, but he has company in the pets department: Fenrir, a cat in Farmington Hills, Michigan, stands at 18.