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Weekly Roundtable: The Ghost of Charitibundi Bowls Future

This week it was my turn.

This is what I did:

Gabey Lucas: With the Everett Flabbergasters having such a roller coaster season— Just kidding.

Mark Schafer: Aw man… I wanted to talk about obscure minor league baseball teams from the 20s, which may or may not have existed.

Gabey: Kay no, but: The Charitibundi Bowl is currently on, with the theme like always being A) Donating to prove your school’s superiority over your rival (currently Washington is at 14 on the leaderboard, beating both Oregon and Wazzu but sandwiched between Cal and Split Zone Duo University Gold Trans Am) and B) Donating an amount commemorating something either embarrassing for your rivals, glorious for your school, or some combination of the two.