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Tuesday Dots: Still pumped on softball

Good morning. If your stress level and emotional high has returned to normal after Sunday night’s manic sequence of softball happenings, please, do tell me how you’ve achieved that. I spent all day yesterday until well into the afternoon on a combo of Twitter scrolling through UW Softball-related stuff, stupid meme-ing of UW Softball-related stuff, and being frustrated that for some god-forsaken reason, there’s a criminal shortage of Danielle Lawrie highlight videos online. Seriously, what the crud people?

seattle gum chewers ranked:

1) sis bates
2) pete carroll— Natalie Weiner (@natalieweiner) May 24, 2021

I absolutely adore this description by Jeff — that’s Gabbie Plain perfectly summarized in six words:

Here’s a stupid crossover for the subsection of people who are both UW and Flight of the Conchords fans.