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The next step for UW’s offensive line after loss of all-Pac-12 left tackle Trey Adams? ‘It’s time for everybody to man up’

Related Topics: lineman, Wattenberg

Andrew Kirkland has the experience. Luke Wattenberg has the upside.

The loss of junior Trey Adams to a season-ending knee injury means the No. 12 Huskies will have a new left tackle for Saturday’s game against UCLA, and the job for now will be a time-share opportunity for Kirkland and Wattenberg.

Kirkland, a senior, was the Huskies’ sixth offensive lineman for the first half the season. He took over at left tackle for the final three quarters during UW’s loss at Arizona State after Adams was injured late in the first quarter.

“Whether we won or lost, you lose a player like Trey, you’re going to have to have a chip on your shoulder,” UW offensive line coach Scott Huff said.