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Stuff and Shenanigans: “Millions of Apples, Apples for Me” ~Class of 2015

Hi, it’s me, your favorite slightly drunk (like, not at this very moment... just in general) millennial white girl. And I’m here to admit something which most of you have probably caught on to at this point if you have been paying even slight attention and have basic deduction skills. I’m here to admit that I’m exactly what Cougs like to accuse Husky fans of being. In other words, I didn’t go to UW. Holy motherflippin’ hammer of Zeus or Thor or whatever. Yeah. The horror.

Instead, both my parents met there at the UCU house (nerds!), and my grandparents met there at the Wesley Club when my grandpa’s bro-pal told my grandpa he was thinking of asking my grandma to the dance, and my grandpa lied and was like (and I quote) “Nah bitch I already asked her and she said yes” and then his inner monologue was like “Oh shit now I have to ask her oh noooo” and then he did and she said yes and then blah blah blah they had three crazy children and blah blah blah one of those had a kid who was me.