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30 Day Countdown: Day 7 - Spooky Husky Halloween Costume Ideas

Brainstorming 30 ideas for posts about a college football team that hasn’t played a game yet this season is not the easiest job, so when the calendar hands us a gimme, you better believe we’re going to take it. Today is Halloween, so we’re pitching some Husky-themed Halloween costumes. Most of these are very bad ideas, and if you want real football analysis, you should probably look elsewhere. But if you’re in a festive Halloween spirit, then pitch a few of your own ideas in the comments below.

Spooooooooky Husky Halloween Costume Ideas, roughly ordered in increasing order of absurdity:

Dubs or Harry the Husky: In my exhaustive research on this topic, I found multiple sources who knew past Harry the Huskies (Harries the Husky?