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VIDEO: Highlights and recaps from Virginia basketball’s trip to Spain

Related Topics: Spain, Record producer, Felipe Reyes

It’s been a big summer for UVA athletes overseas. #HoosInRio has been a smashing success, with two medals for Leah Smith (with a third possible tonight) and another for rowing alumnus Inge Janssen.

But this morning we got news from the foreign excursion at the front of every Hoo fans’ mind: the basketball team’s trip to Spain.

The first two games were Wednesday and Thursday in Pabellón Felipe Reyes, a venue with seating for about 100, including the coaches and players on the sidelines. The opponent each night was the Madrid Generals, a local team made up of players from Spanish professional leagues, among them 6-10 forward Ivan Cruz Uceda, who as a Miami Hurricane faced UVA three times in 2015-16 (and went 5 for 10 from 3-point range).