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Titus settles up Stanley Cup wager on Golden Knights

WASHINGTON — Congressional Democratic colleagues from Las Vegas and the District of Columbia met Thursday to square up a hockey wager on the Stanley Cup Finals between the Capitals and Golden Knights.

Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., donned a T-shirt emblazoned with a D.C. statehood slogan to honor her loss in the bet with Eleanor Holmes Norton, the district’s non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives.

“Despite her already public support for D.C. statehood, I was delighted to see Dina and her staff ‘rocking the red’ in ‘Statehood for D.C.’ shirts,” Norton said.

Titus also delivered a gift basket to Norton that included playing cards from a casino, Las Vegas gifts and mementos and tastes from Ethel M Chocolate Factory and CraftHaus Brewery.