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RECAP: NUCKS WIN! On The Road Again! Blow Out Flames 3-2 in OT

Related Topics: Alberta, Talking Heads, Hockey, Road

Another night in the dark cold shadow of Albertan hockey hospitality on HNIC. But wait... what’s this...this praise from Elliot and the HNIC talking heads. Must have landed in an alternate hockey universe.

A winter wonderland universe where the Canucks win 8 points in 2 games against division rivals to start a 6 game road trip with a winning Marky road streak that covers the width of 8 NHL road lanes...uh.. games.

No one could have predicted another road win tonight. Other than the pre-cogs in the NM SPW fan fiction pre-game fracas. And yet, despite the pre-cogs being spot on and Westy (and me) being reverse psychos, the Canucks again win a game by playing a full 25-35 minutes.