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UTEP volleyball player ‘set’ for comeback

UETP volleyball defensice specialist/liero Ha’ahulakaleikaimana Crisostomo, also known as Hula, is from Honolulu, Hawaii. She has been playing volleyball for 10 years now and is looking forwards to coming back next season after missing the 2021 season.

Crisostomo is a senior psychology major with a minor in criminal justice and is set to graduate in the fall of 2022. After graduation, Crisostomo plans to continue her education to receive her master’s degree and go on to become a counselor for adolescents alongside coaching high school volleyball.

“Hopefully become a graduate assistant at another school, so that could help me get into coaching and help me with the psychology aspect of it by helping the girls on a team – understand that there’s a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical side to sports,” Crisostomo said.