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SeXecutioners slice Las Diablas in doubleheader

SeXLas Viudas Negras and the SeXecutioners dominated the Sun City Roller Girls’ (SCRG) double header “Slice Girls” in their first bout of the season at the El Paso County Coliseum on Sunday.

The first bout saw Las Viudas Negras beat Las Catrinas 59-36 in a grueling match where two blockers from Las Catrinas got ejected in the first period for excessive fouling calls.

The scoreboard slowly built up as Las Catrinas were unable to stop jammer Rainbow Ninja who ran free as she broke through the pack twice scoring a total of eight points(?). Las Viudas Negras did not have a significant standout performance from a single jammer in the first period, however, the team had five different jammers all get on the board despite sloppy blocking on both sides.