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Smart Pills: Students Turn to Quick Fix Drugs to Cope with Workload

When asked, almost any student at the University of Utah would say that their education is difficult and stressful. Even the best of students falter under the heavy weight of assignments and deadlines.

Some students have discovered their own ways of getting work done in a timely manner, turning to what are sometimes called “smart pills.” These are methylphenidates and amphetamines, which include the drugs Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta. Adderall is the most popular of the set due to its level of efficacy, comparative lack of side-effects and propensity for causing weight loss and diet changes.

Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant which is occasionally used to treat narcolepsy, but more typically is prescribed to those diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).