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Crum: American League baseball fans fight for All-Star independence

Once upon a time, not too long ago, Americans from far and wide — driven by a passionate love of democracy and a fiery desire for equal representation — banded together to overcome the tyrannical rule of a Royal regime.

After weeks of a heated debate that pitted city against city and brother against brother, battle lines were drawn.

The struggle was real, but freedom and justice prevailed thanks to the courage and sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of brave patriots who flocked to their smartphones and computers to overthrow their mighty oppressors.

Between your fuzzy recollection of that United States history class you took in high school, and all those times you stumbled upon something on the History Channel that wasn’t about pawn shop-owning alligator hunters, you probably don’t remember much about the second Continental Congress spending hours to draft the perfect break-up text to King George III or George Washington taking a selfie while crossing the Delaware.