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Review: ‘Jumanji’ sequel has more action with less excitement

Hacking through the jungle of overloaded action in “Jumanji: The Next Level,” a sequel to the 2017 action movie about teens trapped in a video game, a viewer has lots of time to think about the lost opportunities the movie passes up.

This haphazardly structured movie, which throws random events up on the screen in no particular order, has some elements that are entertaining. Finding those nuggets takes a lot of sifting through the dirt, though.

The “Breakfast Club”-like foursome from the first movie — nebbish Spencer (Alex Woolf), brainy Martha (Morgan Turner), jock Fridge (Ser’Darius Blain) and ex-cheerleader Bethany (Madison Iseman) — are in college now (well, Bethany’s taking a gap year) and are planning to meet up back home for Christmas.