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Mormon church’s gay policy means the next prophet’s challenge may be retaining millennials, who view politics and issues differently than older members

“I am less interested in what the experts have to say about you,” the LDS prophet-in-waiting told a Young Adult global gathering via computers and satellites, “than what the Lord has told me about you.”

Among other divine messages, Nelson said, the church’s hotly disputed November 2015 policy — declaring same-sex LDS couples “apostates” and barring their children from Mormon rituals until they are 18 or older — was a “revelation.”

It cannot be a coincidence that Nelson gave this landmark speech, and on this topic, to a gathering of 20- and 30-somethings.

The former heart surgeon, no doubt, is well aware of the statistics regarding millions of young people dropping out of organized religion, and, if the research is right, churches’ treatment of gays ranks among the biggest reasons.