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Letter: Bagley deserves a big hug for his parody of McNaughton’s ludicrous painting

A big Thanksgiving hug to editorial cartoonist Pat Bagley for his wonderful parody (Tribune, Nov. 25) of the ridiculously heroic painting by Jon McNaughton of a snarling Donald Trump running with a football (Tribune, Nov 22).

Anybody who sees the deeply flawed Trump as a heroic figure has got to have some serious ethical issues himself, not to mention the sheer lunacy of depicting our cheeseburger-devouring president as an athlete.

So thanks to Bagley for the more accurate portrait: Trump as an overweight, greedy bully riding a handicap scooter, while his good buddies Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin cheer him on, and Mohammad Bin Salman lops off the head of an opponent in the background.