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LDS Charities, partners are assembling 375,000 meals for needy kids as part of United Nations gathering

The 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference this week in Salt Lake City has a long-range vision of helping to build “inclusive and sustainable cities and communities.”

The service project connected to the three-day gathering has a more immediate aim: Assemble 375,000 meals for needy children.

To that end, volunteers of every stripe Monday rolled up their sleeves, slapped on plastic gloves, donned colorful hairnets and took their places in assembly lines at the Salt Palace Convention Center to fill bags of food.

(Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Volunteers assemble 375,000 meals for children Aug. 26, 2019. The project, which is taking place this week in the Salt Palace, is part of the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference.
(Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Volunteers assemble 375,000 meals for children Aug.