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Improve the lives of women and watch the world improve as well, says top female Mormon leader

Related Topics: Relief Society

Want to make the world a better place? Then empower women, says Mormonism’s top female leader, and it will happen.

“If all individuals understood that the world improves when the situation of women improves, there would be far less heartache,” Jean B. Bingham, general president of the LDS Church’s all-female Relief Society, told a crowd of scholars and dignitaries Thursday at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Bingham, at a conference titled “Women in Faith: A Freedom of Religion or Belief Perspective,” urged global leaders to safeguard the rights of women, specifically their right to religious liberty.

“Instead of governments compelling what women do, how to do it, and when to do it, we must make sure their human rights — including their right to the religious beliefs of their choice — are respected,” Bingham said in a transcript posted on the LDS Church’s newsroom website.