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George Pyle: Tribune commentary pages gain some new (old) friends

Or, if you’ve been reading The Salt Lake Tribune for more than a few years, to some returning old friends. Who are bringing along some of their new friends.

After five years as a client of The Washington Post News Service, The Tribune is returning to The New York Times News Service. The NYT package of breaking and in-depth news, arts coverage and features includes The Times’ top-drawer commentary, from both their staff op-ed writers and contributors who write often, occasionally or once.

Among the names that will be returning to The Tribune’s print pages and website are Nobel economics laureate and liberal’s liberal Paul Krugman, globe-trotting writers Thomas Friedman and Nicholas Kristof, conservative deep-thinkers David Brooks and Ross Douthat, author and social justice advocate Charles Blow, the sardonic I’ve-seen-it-all Maureen Dowd, former reporter and restaurant critic Frank Bruni and the it’s-better-to-laugh-than-cry Gail Collins.